The only reason I havent is that Andrew vouches for him and I know Andrews heart. In 1995, he committed his life to Christ and felt God calling him to ministry. (Galatians 5:15 NASB), If you slander Gods children then God doesnt like it , I would rather stay silent about someone than slander them. After the time of the book of Acts came to an end, speaking in tongues and prophecy ceased. After all, isnt this the most important test of the spirit? In all the videos, I dont see evidence in those being healed of being brought to repentance and an acknowledgement of Jesus as Lord. He is SUPERNATURAL AND MYSTERIOUS. Doves dung represents a past movement of the Holy Spirit, a great revival from the past, but now long dead, that has been denomination-alized in the attempt to keep it alive beyond its time. This is the church! At that instant, I observed my friend was motioning me to come and join him in prayer for the woman who was sick. No believer who reads their bible would believe that person. Does anyone have any information regarding the heresies of this area so that I may warn my friend? I would love to talk to people who are also victims, who had a bad experience with it, or whatever. Finally, and most importantly, I never saw anyone who was healed, truly repent and declare Jesus as Lord. Somebody asked about Bill Johnson He is the current Mayor of WIERDSVILLE or at least Deputy Mayor! Billy Graham and Billy Sunday started it all they would preach for an hour, sing, and do the invitation. They watched how the Lord sent them into the Land and took victory over and over. back there. Like maybe God wants a *clear* separation of His ways from the enemys ways? Sndergaard has created his own little belief system by taking a little from some different denomination,[16]for example, baptismal regeneration from the Catholics, speaking in tongues as the sign of baptism in the Holy Spirit from the Pentecostals, believers baptism as Baptists, and baptism to Jesus Christ not using the Trinitarian formula as Oneness Pentecostals. I totally endorse ministry in the market place rather than in the church, He came to save the world, that is where He ministered, that is where we as His servants should be also. Where was the simplicity of Christ there? Friends are expressing dismay that a Danish man who works tirelessly spreading the gospel around the world has been arrested in America over charges of smuggling arms from Mexico into America. their church out of control by the gifted ones. Holy Spirit encouragement is rare these days. .Jesus warned His disciples against having this sectarian spirit. "Today Torben (Sndergaard) is sitting in jail . I believe in the Power of the Lord to do miracles. comments that try to pick apart every aspect of them. Torben told CBN News the documentary ruined his reputation in Denmark. Torben Sondergaard Calls the Line of Fire from PrisonDr. This was Torontos biggest probblem as far as Im concerned, I was there and saw it. Can we not stick to Gods word as the ultimate authority? No, If Bill Johnston belongs to the Lord as I know that he does (I have been praying for him interceding for him I know that God has a plan for him in the USA) and you say that he doesnt and worse you say that he is a false prophet, a false teacher and a false evangelist (if thats what youre saying) when his heart is actually set on the Lord and to the best of his current knowledge he is serving the Lord if you say that when in reality he has been born of God, knows that Jesus is God and is his Lord then I believe this following scripture applies to you (and to anyone else who agrees with you), But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another. The danger I see in these two threads is that we may focus on a man used by the Healer, rather than the Healer Himself, who is Lord Jesus, and I note that Watchful has also raised this same concern. It is very glorifying to God to see His manifold wisdom displayed in manifold ways through His many people. June 30th, 2022 by Crime Informer. Torben Sndergaard is founder of The Last Reformation, a movement that has spread all around the world the last few years. 2Corinth 13:1. 5)HIS WORD IS ALIVE AND ACTIVE IN ME, (Jesus Christ is called The Word of God Rev 19:13 NASB He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.). Keep standing strong in the Lord and preaching and demonstrating the Truth in these last days. Christs Kingdom is under the control of Jesus and all who are in it obey Him. 2000 years agp the worldly people called Yeshuas followers Christians. This movement is helping the Church come back to the life we read about. concerning the different parts of the body, in particular 1 Cor. When the Lord God does a work it is holy.and we should be in awe enough to not handle it with our hands of flesh and make an idol of it, much less glory in it. Torben Sndergaard is part of the Oneness Pentecostal sect. When I read where Moses went up and God wrote the words on the tablets, and came back down the mountain, I find that those stones were written on sapphire. b) caring or providing for. Well, after reading about their prophetic training ministry (which is almost identical to Rick Joyners) and reading the SOZO handbook (which is new age mixed with Christianity for Johnsons healing rooms) and many testimonies, I have more than enough to warn my friend. I pray that His peace and mercy be upon you and every person that reads your material. I know that Im sticking my neck out with this post but I cannot remain silent on this issue . When we do so, we first learn that the word "apostle" comes from the Greek word apostolos, which means "one sent from or forth, a messenger, delegate" (Arndt and Gingrich, 1957, p. 99; Thayer, 1901, p. 68). "The beauty of it was that in the course of explaining and teaching the court about what it means to walk out one's faith as a Christian, Torben was able to share scripture.". the pros and cons on this website -just get out there and listen to what the HS tells you whilst out and do it. I really dont think hes a charlatan, I just think we SERIOUSLY need to consider not doing things that look like trickery. Here is a website for more information on what I am talking about: And this video while you're at it: Spread the word! LET HIS KINGDOM COME AND HIS WILL BE DONE IM HIS PEOPLE ON EARTH AS IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN!!! I think it very badly needs to be looked at. (Acts 10:38 NASB), Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. You will see it works. See here:Pentecostalism. But this attitude of Jesus cannot be called a sectarian attitude. He stands for repentance, holiness and reformation The healer used the leg pulling method I felt fire through my legs and into my lower back. If someone cant just agree that that is what we do as we follow Jesus then they must be going their own way. Rather, it is the Holy Spirit authenticating the message I gave to you about Jesus Christ. See what Chas351 wrote about how Jesus responded to those who wanted to make him into something, He wisely fled temptation. Jesus healed in the synagogue too. Jesus also gave the great commission, in Mat 28:18-20 saying All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. And if you do say that and you are wrong then you will be blaspheming the Holy Spirit. And, they continued supporting him. True Christianity is not what we do do God but what God does through Jesus alone IN US , FOR US AND THROUGH US. And thank you Andrew and Torben. Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, came from behind and touched the border of His garment. I want to speak to God in an unknown language as well! Its called jealously, wanting somethingthat someone else has (all be it unbiblical and totally ungodly). This is the understanding that GOD gave me, it is not of myself because I didnt have a clue. Step 3. But Our steps are to grow brighter and brighter. Jesus said greater works than these shall you do! My initial reaction of the first video is that it is a hoax. Let the cheap Jesus impersonations cease! But I guess repentance is too much to hope for. It has got to the point where I can hardly Others fall into the Tom Lessing and Deborah Ellish both own Discerning the World. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Can worn them of sin & bondage without feeling like a hypocrite The Holy Spirit doesn't require a cookbook instruction manual the TLR promotes." A glory cloud rose up at Johnsons church (there is even a youtube video of it) which many say was Gods glory falling and others showed it to be just glitter ( I think of Gods glory falling in past revivals and before Israel and how it brought their faces to the floor). Listen, I can only tell you about someone that really has raised the dead and dying by the power of Yeshua. He has regard for all. 3 And he said to them, To what then were you baptized? Are you sure what the difference is between washing with water and washing by blood? Sometimes the leg is genuinely shorter and physicaly lengthens, sometimes the back or pelvic area is being healed and the subsequent rotation causes the legs to even out. Just because someone says they are doing something in the name of Jesus does not make it so. Why is there so many reference in the NT of God using blood(death) & water(life) from the OT in making a covenant with His people? Just confuses people. God doesnt like strange fire being mixed with His; its very distasteful. Discerning the World 2008 - 2022. The early church emphasised the objective teaching of the apostles over subjective feelings, and that teaching is contained in the whole of the New Testament, including pre and post Acts. Christians out on the street very quickly to pray for the sick and walked right on camera. Yes, Jesus is the same yesterday, today & tomorrow. Its easier to do real miracles, but The harder ministry is the message of REPENTANCE and Remission of sins. it is talking about each of us, or as a group, being so surrendered to HIS Presence that His Nature is tangibly MANIFESTED to the people around us. We need to cry out every day to God and say Lord I want more and He loves to hear us say this. Even the promise od Jesus coming is questioned . This video does a VERY poor job showing that these people are doing. To handle Gods holy miraculous things with hands of flesh brought forth death not life. Its sad that christians would mock other christians and claim they cannot discern the false from the truth when it comes to their personal walk with the Lord. In early church for a season it was said of the Lords work which became so prevalent , This gospel is spreading to more and more people so that everyone in Asia Minor has heard about it and from that time forward the name of Jesus became greatly feared amoung all the poeple and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world and then the end will come.. This move of God will be marked by love, unselfconscious holiness, fullness of joy and deep loyalty to Jesus and to each other . We are committed to delivering quality independent Christian journalism you can trust. Torben Sondergaard was born in 1976 into a non-Christian family. By Michael Ashcraft -. My main point in all this to merely to ask the hard questions. John 9:4 We should let the Lord direct people in their belief. Sndergaard is the founder of The Last Reformation, a worldwide movement that seeks to return Christianity to the Book of Acts. we have to be about establishing what is right. What I see here is a man willing to walk in obedience to what Jesus told us to do and yet some want to stone him to death. Yeshua said, of myself I can do nothing but only what I see and hear of the Father. Susan healing is for everywhere, not just outside the church. All the false ministers being mentioned started out in simplicity with the spiritual gifts that they had been given. Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered ! Sndergaard's legal team told CBN News that while ICE has discretion to detain someone who has an asylum application pending, it is extremely irregular for ICE to detain someone with a pending asylum application without criminal charges being involved. he was encouraging the early church to return to the FIRE OF GOD thay had when the church was BORN IN ACTS 2 after the preaching of Gods word lifting up Jesus and the Father sent the Gift as promised. I do not see anything wrong with what they are doing. I agree jda, we ought to be leary of people like Bill Johnson. Awesome testimony, Barry Schmidt. `And beginning with Moses & with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the scriptures.` Correction Torben says he is doing what God told him to do, you prove to us that he is not ! Jhn 17:11 NASB I am no longer in the world; and yet they themselves are in the world, and I come to You. Can look my daughters and my wife in the eye. Any time anyone brings up her concerns she says in essence: Torben warns that we will be persecuted for our faith-you are the persecutors. Updated 7 Dec, 2020. Im really excited about God doing miracles in EvangelismBut like someone else already pointed out: Shouldnt one also combine these Healings with the Gospel of Repentance? If a person believes I do not have to always obey The Lord Jesus , in their heart they also believe I do have to listen to Jesus . That is a hard material and so leaves me to see that God broke His own commands, not Moses. Pray for Torben Sondergaard, he has been put into prison for no reason other than being accused for smuggling weapons at Mexico. John 3:5. God plants us as good seed WHERE HE WANTS US IN HIS FIELD- then we simply let Jesus shine out from us and people in the fields around us come running. Finally, he came up with the idea of just going from room to room in the hospital to pray for people. Watch this video about the people of God revealing the glory of God and you too will do the works of Jesus: For what? Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. Then what am I crying for? Jesus said Greater things would we do after He went to be with His father. Sorry, but Torben is so real and sincere.. What I understand is that the Lord desires to manifest His manifold wisdom to the powers and principalities, not to man so much. None of these biblical miracles are present in WIERDSVILLE only out of control laughter, strange behaviors, hyper spirituality and complete powerless human sorcery . Theres a schism in the church; those who believe Acts was for that time only, and those who believe that the empowerment that happened in Acts is for the churchs lifetime until He returns. But they sought God in prayer and fasting and rose up believing. Rejoicing was continuous as the crowd went wild. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. We are gentiles and we believe solely by faith and we do not need to be baptized in water. Sondergaard claims to be an apostle and healer of the faith. Roger yes this has been going on perpetually but there are seasons in history where this ordinary supernatural normal hits the mainstream of the populace and other seasons where it wins and is obscured to small pockets. He believes this is a vital part of true "disciple- ship". As for me, I will stand on Gods word and challenge anyone who would do otherwise to bring forth objective evidence that these healings are from God. As an aside, God doesnt need to use any of us to heal anyone. Friends this is the descent into WIERDSVILLE!!! He loves those hungry believers. Only God is holy and only God can and will do His holy works in and through us. We are seeing a hunger and thirst for God even though people dont even know what theyre hungry for. 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