Midnight is the hour that the Devil and his agents gather to afflict and destroy their victims. It was not a good day! The evening and the morning were the first day! 3.Late in the midnight hour, Gods going to turn it around, 4.Acts 16:25 Commentaries: But about midnight Paul and Silas were , 5.DEVO: Singing through the Darkness Christian Care, 6.Acts 16:25-34 King James Version Bible Gateway, 7.A Midnight Deliverance She Reads Truth, 8.Theology at Midnight | Keep Believing Ministries, 9.At Midnight Paul and Silas Prayed (Acts 16:25-40) YouTube, TOP 10 why did paul and silas prayed at midnight BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did paul and barnabas separate BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did patriots release newton BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did patrick swayze died BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did pat mcafee leave barstool BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did pastor ypj divorce BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did parliament repeal the stamp act BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why did parliament pass the sugar act BEST and NEWEST. Thus, youll need to build your faith in order to stand intense spiritual battles. During these hours, the devil and his agents seek to steal, destroy and kill. The text then says, And immediately all the doors were opened. The supreme victory that we have in Christ is manifested through our faith in him. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Praise opens the gates of Heaven and blessings are recorded once heaven opens. Without advertising income, we can't keep making this site awesome for you. While some received and believed their message, many were threatened by it. Jet Fuel Exposure Syndrome Symptoms Explained! Paul and Silas had not done anything wrong to be treated this way. Acts 16:25 says, And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: The praise says we believe the prayer is already answered! So they went out of the prison and visited Lydia. God is a living God, and he is still in the business of operating in the supernatural. The power of Satan manifests itself strongly, but at night, since no one stopped Jesus Christ during the day, everyone waited for the night. 25 And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. (Acts 16:16-24). "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And the faith from our hearts is materialized through the words and commands that we speak in the name of Jesus Christ. Many dangerous things are crawling, moving and flying at midnight hours. A sincere midnight prayer is a Christian sacrifice that ends with a reward. Psalm 5:3 NLT Listen to my voice in the morning LORD. However, it is not as easy as you might think. Start by welcoming Jesus Christ in your life and believing in him as the son of God through whom salvation is brought to mankind. People draw closer to God that they see us serve and worship through our actions. Paul and Silas lifted up their hearts and voices in prayer to God when in dire circumstances. Paul and Silas are first mentioned together after the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, as both men were part of the group that took the council's decision back to Syrian Antioch (verse 22). 10 simple tips, Billy the Kid: The Wild West's Most Wanted Gunslinger, Miley Cyrus reveals she divorced Liam Hemsworth because there was 'too much conflict', Film Review Boat That Rocked, The Fernby Films, 35 of the Absolute Best TV Shows on Prime Video, 'Immanence' looks like 'Event Horizon' on a ship! This is a severe physical trauma, the pain would have been very great. The power of darkness working against the children of God is of a greater intensity between 12 AM to 2 AM. But when her owners saw that their hope of gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers. When you're in your darkest valley, when you're in your midnight hour, when you're in your prison, there is a reason God has got you there! One of the most important times and yet the most powerful time to victoriously fight the devil and his agents through Christ is the midnight hours. Having trouble logging into your account? It was a prayer and praise service going on in a Roman prison! Why did Paul and Silas prayed at midnight? In one of the parables Jesus Christ preached about prayer, a friend is knocking at the door at midnight for 3 loaves of bread (Luke 11:5). And just as the scriptures say that God keeps his knowledge from the wise and inspires the foolish, well bring elements of answers to this question. However, if this hour is missed, Satan and his agents spring into action. They believe that God can hear their prayers clearly when they pray at midnight. 26. This is a call for Gods children to take prayers seriously at these hours. His holy name was praised, and the jailer was saved. The power of darkness working against the children of God is of a greater intensity between 12 AM to 2 AM. 30And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? Although the intensity decreases from 2 a.m. to 5 p.m. m. at 4 a.m. m., can still do more harm than good. Paul & the Philippian Jailer: An Earthquake demolishes a meaningless Life, shakes the whole existence and creates the foundations of the Christian Faith. Melinda Eye Cooper, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - Bible Story, The Ten Commandments - Bible Verses and Importance Today, Parable of the Prodigal Son - Bible Story. "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God" ( Acts 16:25 ). These are some of the reasons that answer the question why Paul and Silas prayed at midnight. [4] And Moses said, Thus saith the Lord , About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt: [5] And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts. Be notified when an answer is posted. By midnight prayer, we mean those prayers that are made at 12 AM. According to Christianity beliefs, Paul and Silas did not run away because God wanted to do His plan through them. Then he brought them up into his house and set food before them. Midnight prayer strengthens ourspirit man(Galatians 5:25). Immediately all the doors were opened and the chains of all the prisoners fell off. 50+ premium resources (>$2,300 value!). At midnight, most patients die in hospitals. Suddenly an earthquake shook the prison, their shackles fell off, the walls came down, and they were free to go. 12 oclock midnight is not the end of the day. It is the time which the dark principalities of the heavenly places sit in meetings to bring out new strategies to fight Gods children. The supreme victory that we have in Christ is manifested through our faith in him. Over the past years and even centuries, many theologians and philosophers have been wondering why. 27 And the keeper of the prison, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, drew his sword and was about to kill . When did midnight become the start of the day? At midnight there are many evil and dangerous things that crawl and fly looking for someone to devour. God's act of freeing Paul and Silas at midnight when they were praying is an indication of power in midnight prayer. 12 oclock midnight is the beginning of a new day. Everyone gets excited upon hearing that there is power in midnight prayer. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. They accused them of propagating unlawful customs and as a result, the apostles were stripped and beaten after which they were thrown to the inner cell with their feet bound in chains. Paul & Silas at Midnight. The Jews would limit such a beating to 39 hits, but the Romans had no limit. They showed to the people that they know and believe the God they served and that He is ready to save them from all situations and if they were led to be imprisoned, God wants to make them win some souls for him anywhere they found themselves. At midnight hours, there are many dangerous evil things that are crawling and flying in search of who to devour. You may not have realized it, but there is power in words. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The law of prayer and praise is higher than Murphy's Law. 'Greedflation' has boosted corporate profits, but what about beer prices? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". His Key Teachings will help you with this task. One of the most important and yet the most powerful times to triumphantly battle the devil and his agents through Christ is the hour of midnight. What are some of the best phone games to play with long-distance friends? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This power is so great that it will uproot every plant that God has not planted. Most attacks range from 12 AM to 3 AM. As we continuously unfold our writing, well tell you why prayers at midnight are very important. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Being fervent and good Christians that understand deep things of the scriptures, they had to uproot the satanic kingdoms operating in that area by midnight to give room for the word of God even from the prison back to the city they were preaching initially. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. 17 She followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you . ''First, jump when you are told; second, count to ten and pull the ripcord; third, in the very unlikely event that it . Suddenly there was a great earthquake that shook the prison to its foundations. "Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks." The 25th verse is the one to take note of. And the faith of our hearts is achieved through the words and commandments that we utter in the name of Jesus Christ. A right revelation of prayer in the midnight hour will revolutionize the way you pray! Jesus Christ pointed out in Matthew 25:6 that the bridegroom would come at midnight and would take only those who were ready. The important rulers beat Paul and Silas and then threw them in prison, telling the jailer to keep the prisoners safe. They're developing an opinion about God on the basis of your life. Luke records the following: Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a female slave who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. By further reading Psalms 91:5, we are told not to be afraid of the terrors at night nor the arrows that fly during the day. Most patients in the hospital die at this hour. When Jesus met Paul on the way to Damascus when he was planning to arrest the believers there and bring them back to Jerusalem, Jesus had told him the ministry he was called into. On the days before the midnight hour, Paul saw a vision of a man praying for him to come to Macedonia to help them and immediately Luke, Silas, and Paul endeavoured to go and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. What they thought was impossible will be shaken so that they believe all things are possible because they see it working in you! About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. God is about to have a parting the Red Sea experience! In John 14:12 Jesus Christ tells us that everyone who believes in him will do what he has done and even greater things. Answer: They were in prison and they prayed because they were in a difficult situation. And the faith from our hearts is materialized through the words and commands that we speak in the name of Jesus Christ. At midnight, the body's immune system is at its lowest point. Gods act of freeing Paul and Silas at midnight when they were praying is an indication of power in midnight prayer. In 2 Kings 19:35-37 we are told that in a. But when it was day, the magistrates sent the police, saying, "Let those men go." How could this be? Paul had a vision at night about a man praying that they come to Macedonia, and they journeyed to Macedonia. ACTS 16:25 KJV "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." Acts 16:25 "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Acts 16:25 Context But being limited to prayer is not a limitation. And this she kept doing for many days. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. This article talks more about why Paul and Silas praise and pray to God. A wicked person can stand up at that hour to fire evil arrows. Evidently Paul and Silas weren't trying to be quiet in the jail. It has been said that a Christian is an epistle, written by God and read by a man. Bible Verses About Relationships With Boyfriend, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Mastering the spirit of faith to render the impossible possible, Why did Paul and Silas prayed at midnight, At midnight hours, the bodys immune system is at its lowest, It is during midnight hours that most patients die in hospitals, The highest level of witchcraft is carried out at midnight, It was at midnight that the Angel of death smote the first born of every Egyptian family, Evil spirits make patrols at midnight seeking for ways to cause harm, David knew the importance of midnight prayer from his speech in Psalms 119:62 were he says that hell rise and give glory to God at midnight, Exodus 12:29 reveals the midnight judgment mad by God over those whose evil deeds were alarming, Midnight prayer restores stolen blessings, Praying during midnight hours fortifies your spiritual level, Midnight prayers take men and women of God into higher spiritual dimensions, Satans power is heavily manifested but at night given that no one arrested Jesus Christ during the day but all waited for the night, Midnight prayers contribute in uprooting the satanic kingdoms, Jesus Christ pointed out in Matthew 25:6 that the bridegroom would come at midnight and take with him just those who are ready, In 2 Kings 19:35-37 we are told that king Sennacherib lost 185000 men to the angel of the most high in just one night, 2 King 6:13-14 reveals that the Syrian king wanted to capture prophet Elisha at night because he believed in the evil forces that move around at night, When Paul and Silas prayed at midnight in prison, an angel of liberation was sent to set them free, A sincere midnight prayer is a christian sacrifice which ends up with a reward. Such prayers lead to confusion in the kingdom of darkness. At the mention of the name Jesus Christ, every knee in Heaven, on Earth, under the Earth, and in the world to come must bow in honor and respect. Who was Lydia in the Bible? "What must I do to be saved?" he asks. 27. Many have had their great destinies drowned while others have had their blessings stolen at this hour. At Philippi, Paul and Silas faced opposition from a very weird and diabolical source. We should used to pray at midnight ( 12 am ) and 3 am because it is really important time Midnight prayer is the practice of praying at midnight for your prayers to be immediately answered. Whilst Paul and Silas would intend God to be their audience, other prisoners were listening. Verse 26 says, And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Another major thing that youll need is faith in the power of Jesus Christ. For less than $5/mo. I uproot every weed the devil has planted in my life in Might name of Jesus, I rebuke every kingdom of darkness against my life in Might name Jesus, Strengthen me me father in Haven and me by precious blood of Jesus. The crowd joined in the attack on them, and the rulers of the city had them stripped and ordered them to be beaten with rods. Amen, No weapon set against me and my family shall prosper in Jesus Name, Let evil spirits and demons set against me burn and die in Jesus name, Let all agents of darkness burn and scatter in Jesus name ( 12 am and 3 am prayer ), May all alters of darkness against me and family be consumed by fire in Mighty name of Jesus, I declare all covenants of darkness against me null and void in Jesus name. Every power that wants to stand against me as a result of these prayers, let the thunder and lightening of God, destroy them, in the name of Jesus. Commentary. So they had Paul and Silas arrested and put them in jail. Such prayers lead to confusion in the kingdom of darkness. And just as the Scriptures say that God preserves His knowledge of the wise and inspires the foolish, we will provide answers to that ques. So they seized Paul and Silas and dragged to the market place to face the authorities. Please log in to continue. It is giving God due reverence that He deserves. The teaching is based on some incidents that happened in the bible at midnight, and now some people have turned this into a doctrine for prayer. It was This item is available in full to subscribers Have an online account? Let's see in the bible where and how the chains of the enemy were broken through this. This was a sacrifice of praise. The authorities didn't like this because it was disruptive and challenged their power. But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Midnight prayer is a spiritual highway where deep spiritual transactions take place. Note, God values midnight prayers more than anything else. We should used to pray at midnight ( 12 am ) and 3 am because it is really important time Midnight prayer is the practice of praying at midnight for your prayers to be immediately answered. And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Another important thing you need is faith in the power of Jesus Christ. 26 And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. Paul and Silas are imprisoned in the 16th chapter of Acts after Paul commands an evil spirit out of a slave girl that had been following them. Do you know why? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Paul knew that when he cast the demon out there would be trouble. Last night when my husband and I were putting the kids to bed I was exhausted. Paul and Silas crossed the border into Europe to get to Macedonia, a Roman colony (16:2) because of the invitation they received from a man (aner, biological male), who, in a night vision, pleaded for their help (16:9-10). God sent Paul and Silas down in there so he could save some people. We all know that God created the world through Christ with words. This gives us tips on why did Paul and Silas prayed at midnight. Generational and Geographic strongholds of a poverty and pessimistic mindset can be broken if the church will pray in the valley like they do on the mountaintop and do in the darkness of night what they do in the light. You have come to the right place if you were wondering how midnight prayers are different from those performed during the day. In general, midnight represents a battlefield between believers and the satanic realm. The Philippian jailer, assuming they were free, knew he would be tortured and then put to death. Midnight prayers keep Satan from going through with his plans. They need to see that there is hope when things look hopeless. Faith in Jesus Christ is not just about words, but rather about deeds. They beat them as long as they wanted. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Proud member The reason we fret and fear the darkness of night is because we fail to see the darkness as a precursor to the light and that midnight is the beginning of the morning! What are some of the best phone games to play with friends when you're apart? As we continue to read Psalm 91:5, we are told not to fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrows that fly by day. Learn how to grow your faith by reading the following articles: This brings us to the end of our writing on why did Paul and Silas prayed at midnight. How easily we could have read that Paul and Silas groaned at midnight. Further, it is in the midnight that serious problems are being addressed or tackled. And he rejoiced along with his entire household that he had believed in God." After my husband had sung a verse, he said "Everybody sing this time," looking at me. And they took them out and asked them to leave the city. To the contrary, prayer is a mighty weapon to help in the time of trial. Why did Paul and Silas prayed at midnight? Paul and Silas knew that they could pray to God anywhere, even in prison. Answer: Paul and Silas were imprisoned because they were preaching the gospel. The Apostle Paul: Praises in Prison. Although the intensity diminishes from 2 AM to 4 AM, it is still capable of doing more harm than good. What we would normally describe as the 2400 hour is really the 0000 hour. 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns together for the other prisoners. After the people beat Paul and Silas, they were thrown in prison. Paul and Silas weren't praying, "Lord, why did this have to happen to me?" They weren't complaining about their situation. Praise is a gift we render to God and the sacrifice of our heart without holding back anything from God. Psalmist declares in Psalm 119:62: "At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments." There is power in midnight prayer warfare! Getting into a midnight prayer is directly attacking evil spirits. To their delight they did. Youll also learn about what it takes to stand as a midnight prayer warrior who is always victorious through Christ just as Paul and Silas were. The giants let us know that you are entering the Promised Land! Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Why did Paul and Silas prayed at midnight, Mastering the spirit of faith to render the impossible possible, At midnight hours, the bodys immune system is at its lowest, It is during midnight hours that most patients die in hospitals, The highest level of witchcraft is carried out at midnight, It was at midnight that the Angel of death smote the first born of every Egyptian family, Evil spirits make patrols at midnight seeking for ways to cause harm, David knew the importance of midnight prayer from his speech in Psalms 119:62 were he says that hell rise and give glory to God at midnight, Exodus 12:29 reveals the midnight judgment mad by God over those whose evil deeds were alarming, Midnight prayer restores stolen blessings, Praying during midnight hours fortifies your spiritual level, Midnight prayers take men and women of God into higher spiritual dimensions, Satans power is heavily manifested but at night given that no one arrested Jesus Christ during the day but all waited for the night, Midnight prayers contribute in uprooting the satanic kingdoms, Jesus Christ pointed out in Matthew 25:6 that the bridegroom would come at midnight and take with him just those who are ready, In 2 Kings 19:35-37 we are told that king Sennacherib lost 185000 men to the angel of the most high in just one night, 2 King 6:13-14 reveals that the Syrian king wanted to capture prophet Elisha at night because he believed in the evil forces that move around at night, When Paul and Silas prayed at midnight in prison, an angel of liberation was sent to set them free, A sincere midnight prayer is a christian sacrifice which ends up with a reward. Start by welcoming Jesus Christ in your life and believing in him as the son of God through whom salvation is brought to mankind. Perhaps, you were not aware but there is power in words. We, as Christians today, must follow the practices left by Jesus as they were practiced by his first or immediate apostles. This power is such that it an uproot all plants that God has not planted. Many have had their great destinies drowned while others have had their blessings stolen at this hour. Well pick up a good number of scriptural verses to properly answer the question of why did Paul and Silas prayed at midnight. NC Wedding & Event Planners - About Us - Meet, How to create house rules for adult children, Free Venmo ATM near me - Venmo ATM near me, Nonsense words to use in phonemic awareness training, Apex Legends Heirlooms 2022: all the relics from worst to best, 1. By midnight prayer we mean prayers performed at 12:00 p.m. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! And Samson lay till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron. So the gospel entered Europe through a woman's club. Let them come themselves and take us out." You are at the right place if youve been wondering how prayers at midnight are different from those carried out during the day. When Paul and Silas began to praise God and to sing in the midst of that prison, they were using spiritual weapons. Begin by receiving Jesus Christ into his life and believing in him as the Son of God through whom humanity will be saved. 2. 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why did paul and silas prayed at midnight